March Update (2023)
We finished our logo, wrote a strategic plan, gave a presentation, helped host an info booth, and started prepping for website upgrades!
Boulevard garden cooperative
This is where we post our monthly updates.
We finished our logo, wrote a strategic plan, gave a presentation, helped host an info booth, and started prepping for website upgrades!
We spent most of our time in February working towards the creation of a comprehensive strategic plan by conducting PESTEL and SWOT analyses.
The main event this month was the UVSS Clubs and Course Union days where we met some amazing people!
We held our first AGM, tested some deer netting, and that’s it. Just kidding, we did more than that. December was actually pretty productive and we still took half of it off for the holidays!
This November started off with a very pleasant but low-key afternoon of garlic planting and garden bed prototyping with some club members. We welcomed Kai to our admin team, passed our first official motion as an incorporated board (to open a bank account), and about mid-month Sonja and Eric attended a huge conference for cooperatives … Read more
We finally incorporate as a Community Service Cooperative in BC!
UVSS Clubs Days, first events of the semester, automated watering design, and official name reservation.
This month was all about preparing for new members to come on board in September.
This month was all incorporation documents with a bit of auto dispenser design mixed in.
Okay, seriously not much happened this month! This update is just for completeness.